Outreach and Dissemination
- Karoline Heiwolt presents to Autonomous Systems researchers and students at the L-CAS Away Day (October 2021)
- Willow Mandil joined University of Lincoln colleagues at COP26 in Glasgow (November 2021)
- Elijah Almanzor demonstrates his robotic arm to members of the public at the Cambridge Science Festival (March 2022)
- Will Rohde shows his research progress to members of the public at the Cambridge Science Festival (March 2022)
- Grzegorz Sochacki explains his research to members of the public at the Cambridge Science Festival (March 2022)
- Callum Lennox demonstrates his project work to CDT Industry Partners at the University of Lincoln Riseholme Campus (April 2022)
- Elijah Almanzor demonstrates his work to CDT students at the CDTs Quarterly Research Progress Meeting in Cambridge (May 2022)
- Grzegorz Sochacki demonstrates his robotic chef arm to CDT students at the CDTs Quarterly Research Progress Meeting in Cambridge (May 2022)
- CDT students get ready to present at their Quarterly Research Progress meeting in Cambridge (May 2022)
- Amie Owen presents her research to the research community at the 20th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems [PAAMS] in Italy (June 2022).
- AgriFoRwArdS and LIAT students run a showcase at UKRAS RoboLab Live (June 2022), with people all over the world watching.
- Harry Rogers presents to other CDT students and academics at the Joint Robotics CDT Conference hosted by the FARSCOPE CDT in Bristol (12th to 14th June 2022)
- Roopika Ravikanna facilitates 'What agricultural robot are you' activity at TedX talk hosted at the University of Lincoln Riseholme Campus (July 2022)
- Willow Mandil presents to Autonomous Systems researchers and students at the L-CAS Away Day (October 2022)
- Roopika Ravikanna presents to Autonomous Systems researchers and students at the L-CAS Away Day (October 2022)
- Cohort 3 Student Alex Elias attended the first East Midlands Early Career Researcher Robotics and Automation Systems Network Event. He presented his research to others via a poster, and also took the opportunity to connect with other likeminded individuals (October 2022)
- Alongside researchers and academics, as well as industry experts, Cohort 4 students Andrew Perrett and James Heselden, took part in a cross research group demonstration of the UKRI funded Robot Highways project 'Robot Highways' (October 2022)
- Cohort 1 CDT Student Karoline Heiwolt was joined by fellow University of Lincoln PhD students in a visit to the University College Davies in California, where CDT Supervisor Dr Grzegorz Cielniak was leading a workshop (February 2023)
- Karoline visited UC Davies in California and met with researchers to exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations. They visited various research groups in the departments of Computer Science, Agricultural Engineering, Plant Sciences, and the renowned UC Davis Strawberry breeding program (February 2023)
- CDT Co-Investigator Prof Simon Pearson took part in a discussion panel at the Fresh Produce Consortium Futures Event in Peterborough. Cohort 3 student Alex Elias also attended the event and had the opportunity to discuss his research with others in the sector (March 2023)
- Cohort 3 student Garry Clawson is also in receipt of the prestigious Whitworth Award. He attended the 2023 Whitworth Society Annual Dinner held at House of Lords, which brings together Whitworth award holders and scholars, in order to share their experiences and research.
- Cohort 3 students Bethan Moncur, Garry Clawson, and Paul Zuercher are all members of the Institute of Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge, and presented their research as part of the IfM's First Year PhD Student Conference (Cohort 2 students Jack Foster and Haihui Yan presented their research at the same event last year and supported their fellow students at this years event) (May 2023)
- Alex Elias competes as part of the University of Lincoln Robocup 2023 team (July 2023).
- Karoline Heiwolt was invited to present her poster at ICRA 2023 in London. ICRA is one of the biggest robotics conferences in the world! (July 2023)
- The AgriFoRwArdS CDT worked with colleagues from the University of Lincoln and University of Cambridge and were invited to run a competition at ICRA 2023. Here, CDT Director Marc Hanheide is pictured with the competition finalists. (July 2023)
- CDT Student Alex Elias attended the Robocup 2023 Competition in France as part of the University of Lincoln team (July 2023).
- AgriFoRwArdS Student Xumin Gao demonstrates the robotics being used at Riseholme for the UKRI team who visited the University of Lincoln's Riseholme Campus (October 2023).
- Ben Horner, Catherine Merchant, and Robert Stevenson spoke to many sector experts during the 2023 Croptec Conference, including star of TV's Clarkson Farm, Kaleb Cooper (November 2023).
- Prabuddhi Wariyapperuma presents her poster at the IEEE UK & Ireland Young Professionals Postgraduate STEM Research Symposium (November 2023).
Training and Site Visits
- Roopika Ravikanna visits CropTech 2019
- Cohort 1 students visited ABB Robotics for programming and operation training (November 2019)
- Students attend ‘Implementing Robotics into Industry’ training hosted by the Manufacturing Technology Centre (January 2022)
- Cohort 3 students are shown the University of Lincoln Riseholme Campus Walled Garden as part of Introduction to Agriculture training (May 2022)
- Cohort 3 students get their hands dirty learning to review soils as part of Introduction to Agriculture training (May 2022)
- Staff and students visited The Algae Innovation Centre, which is located in the stunning Cambridge Botanical Gardens (June 2022)
- Students and staff take a tour of the Algae Innovation Centre in Cambridge (June 2022)
- Students and staff receive a tour of the facilities at the Algae Innovation Centre (June 2022)
- Students and staff learn all about algae farming at the Algae Innovation Centre (June 2022)
- Students visit Ali Capper at Stocks Farm in Herefordshire to gain insight into the challenges faced by farmers today (August 2022)
- Students discuss current farming practices with farm owner Ali Capper (August 2022)
- Cohort 3 students donned their wellies as they took a tour around the University of Lincoln's working farm (September 2022)
- Students got to drive the automated tractor at the University of Lincoln's working farm (September 2022)
- Cohort 3 students applied their knowledge to sheep farming at the University of Lincoln's working farm (September 2022)
- Students got a taste of the technology being used at the University of Lincoln's working farm (September 2022)
- Cambridge Students attend the annual event to welcome the new cohort of PhD students. Existing students gave talks and advise to the Cohort 3 students who just completed their MSc at Lincoln (October 2022)
- Current Lincoln PhD Students present their research to the incoming Cohort of MSc students (Cohort 4) at the Lincoln CDT welcome event (October 2022)
- Students attend the first in the 2022/23 AgriFoRwArdS Seminar Series, hearing from Dr Letizia Mortara, attendance was both online and in person (October 2022)
- A visit to London meant students got to explore the depths of an old air raid shelter which has now been converted into an under ground farm by Zero Carbon Farming (November 2022)
- Students are given a tour of the underground vertical farm, and given the opportunity to learn more about this innovative space saving solution (November 2022)
- Students hear from Dr Ji Zhou from NIAB as part of a series of talks by the University of Cambridge OHMC and AgriFoRwArdS (February 2023)
- Cohort 2 Student Bradley Hurst visits Industry Partner Jersey Farmers Union on the beautiful island of Jersey, despite the very cute dog, there was work done (see next photo!) (March 2023)
- Bradley conducted experiments in the field during his visit to Jersey (March 2023)
- Garry and Haihui visited their Industry Partner, Dyson, to see the facilities and share their current research with the robotics teams (May 2023)
Student Socials
- Cohort 3 students hike at Ladybower Reservoir in Derbyshire (April 2022)
- Students brave the English weather on hike in Derbyshire (April 2022)
- The Students came across a herd of cows in the centre of Cambridge when they were enjoying their lunch break at the CDTs Quarterly Research Progress Meeting (May 2022)
- Enjoying dinner out on their visit to Bristol for the Joint Robotics CDT Annual Conference (June 2022)
- Cohort 3 students picnic in the park (Summer 2022)
- CDT students from across the cohorts and the country get together for a 'Drink Outside the Box' social quiz, with attendees both in person and online (December 2022)
- CDT students are joined by other robotics students from Lincoln for a 'Drink Outside the Box' fun trip to play crazy golf (December 2022)
- Students get together to chat during lunch at the AgriFoRwArdS CDT Conference 2023 (September 2023)
- Students get together to chat during lunch at the AgriFoRwArdS CDT Conference 2023 (September 2023)
- Students and staff celebrate the festive period with a dinner at the University of Cambridge's Newnham College (December 2023)
- Students and staff celebrate the festive period with a dinner at the University of Cambridge's Newnham College (December 2023)
- University of East Anglia students and staff celebrate the New Year (February 2024)
CDT Annual Conference 2023 (13th to 15th September 2023)
MSc Graduation 2023
CDT Summer School 2023 (27th February to 3rd March 2023)
CDT Summer School 2022 (4th to 8th July 2022)
CDT Annual Conference 2022 (22nd and 23rd June 2022)
CDT Annual Conference 2022 Conference Dinner (22nd and 23rd June 2022)
View our robots, equipment and facilities here!